Student Mental Health Awareness
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Student Mental Health

Watch this video to learn about the importance of mental health awareness amongst the student community.


Over 45 percent of teens suffer from mental disorder


1 in 5 teens suffer from severe mental illness, 20 percent of teen population. Fewer than half receive mental health services


37 percent of students aged 14 or older with a mental health issue drop out of school.14w


Many mental health conditions first appear in youth and young adults, with 50% of all conditions developing by age 14 and 75% by age 24



As COVID 19 continued to spread across the nation, schools across the nation all began to close, impacting more than 91 percent of the world’s student population. The United States was put into quarantine and the population was mandated to avoid public contact and remain in homes. As schools closed, students were put into an online learning environment with new obstacles laid out for them to overcome. In addition to the online environment of education, extracurriculars including sports were also canceled. This new remote platform and pandemic has increased high levels of stress and anxiety amongst the student community as they worry about their families health, their own health, and their studies. Additionally they find themselves to be in a non-motivational slump and building up terrible habits that are also impacting their mental health, including too much usage of social media, decreased appetite, and staying up extremely late.

Lotus Meaning

The Lotus flower is often symbolized with the mental health community as a meaning of healing and overcoming. The flower can only grow in muddy and murky water, in an environment that is unpleasant and has bleak conditions, however when they bloom, they become one of the most beautiful flowers to exist. It connects to life as life may be difficult and hold many daunting obstacles, life is still beautiful and you will be able to overcome all that you may encounter on the road of your life.


Active Minds surveyed 3,239 high school and higher education students between April 10-18, 2020 regarding the impact of COVID-19 on their mental health.

  • 20% of college students say their mental health has worsened under covid 19
  • Amongst all students, 38 percent have trouble focusing on studies and work became more stressful
  • 55% students do not know where to go for help for mental health

JMIR conducted a study on 195 college participants regarding the impact of Covid 19 on their stress and anxiety levels

  • 138/195 (71%) indicated that their stress and anxiety had increased
  • 173/195, (89%) indicated difficulty in concentrating on academic work due to various sources of distraction
  • 168/195, (86%) reported disruptions to their sleep patterns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 44% (86/195) mentioned that they were experiencing some depressive thoughts during the COVID-19 pandemic


LotusMinds is a website that helps to spotlight on the importance of mental health, especially amongst the student community as coronavirus has brought a huge rise in mental health problems amongst the youth community, by providing an outlet for teens to access resources and understand the necessity of caring for one's mental health. Additionally we provide a community for teens to read about other's experiences and share any advice they have picked up in their experiences of mental health.
